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About Jennifer

As an Evidential Medium, Jennifer Brazier’s work and life purpose is to reconnect people with loved ones who are no longer physically present through an energetic connection….
           of their soul 
                to her soul 
                     to the recipient’s soul.  
Imagine the game where one person tells a story or offers a word to another person. That person then tells it to another and then it continues to be shared with the next person. That is similar to the relaying of information Jennifer receives through mediumship. Loving Spirits from the Other Side communicate energetically with Jennifer through her various senses. Jennifer has learned how to interpret the energy through her senses of hearing, smelling, tasting, knowing, feeling, and seeing – all within her.  She is then able to verbalize those messages and share them in her sessions. Jennifer’s messages offer specific verifiable details, to validate our loved ones are still with us. Her intention is that these messages bring hope, healing, and happiness...along with clarity in one’s life. She hopes this amazing, intimate contact brings comfort and confirmation that to anyone who wants validation, we do not die, and Love never dies!

Jennifer Brazier, Medium
Check out the newly released book, The Last Breath,  featuring a chapter by
Jennifer Brazier! 

A collection of true stories on Mediumship, the Afterlife, and Messages from our Loved Ones.  Written by over 40 professional Mediums from around the world, One very special chapter was written by Jennifer Brazier. 

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Jennifer Brazier, Medium

A Note from Jennifer

“I am profoundly grateful for my work and living my life as an Evidential Medium. While mediumship is not mainstream, traditional, or even accepted by many, it is my intention to make communication with the Spirit World a common conversation. My hope is to open minds and hearts to the possibility that our earthly life is simply a blink in time for our soul’s learning and development…which lead to significantly greater and more magnificent opportunities.


Being the voice that connects loved ones together, is humbling. I am in awe daily from experiencing what the Spirit World wants us to know.  Time and time again, I have witnessed how these connections from the Other Side soothe the heart, mind, and body by offering comfort to people who are grieving or may be suppressing the loss of a loved one.


Through thousands of sessions over the years, I have seen the transformation of people who question mediumship. It is not until they themselves have had a personal experience where they sense the love, feel their loved ones’ presences, and receive specific and healing messages.  That is the gift of this work, being a part of transformation from sadness, confusion, loneliness to hope, joy and being open to living an optimistic life ahead.  It is extraordinary to be a part of this healing process.

As a messenger for the Spirit World, my intention is to touch the essence of the Soul. This occurs when the recipient feels their loved one and understands the information offered. This is how hearts open, minds expand, and grief begins to diminish. I continue to learn that trust and being patient is paramount, as our loved ones will do whatever they can to communicate and show us signs that they have survived what we know as death.


Yes, Love never dies!


Do you know that our loved ones await our permission to communicate with them?


I am often asked why I work as a Medium. It is simple; it is the tremendous sense of love I feel from the Spirit World, their messages and proof we do not die… 

that our Souls are eternal,

that our loved ones are at peace

and that they are always with us.


The Spirit World always fills my heart to the brim. It is a privilege to meet your loved ones and to reconnect you, and to share in the reunion and love.”    


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